Expert On Demand Registration

If you meet any the following criteria then please do register with us. Our Consulting
partner will get in touch with you to discuss your profile and the possible engagements

If you meet any the following criteria then please do register with us. Our Consulting partner will get in touch with you to discuss your profile and the possible engagements

As a Subject Matter Experts

  • Minimum experience of 10+ years
  • Minimum age of 30 years 
  • Minimum 5 years of managing a Function 
  • Understanding of function is key

As a Global Senior Business Experts

  • Minimum experience of 20+ years
  • Minimum age of 45 years 
  • Minimum 10  years of managing a Business/Geography
  • Understanding and current/past experience in the geography an added benefit  

Benefits of being an Expert on Demand


Access to assignments
from the comfort of your


Leverage your expertise


Support and build
talent within the organisation by transferring knowledge


lternate income source
as per your


Keep in touch and
up to date on your
area of expertise
Let’s Work Together